British Conference Grants Awards 1999-00

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 1999-2000.

Dr C G Abel
University College London
Cultural encounters: the United States and Latin America, c. 1890-1950
(Section: H10)


Ms R S Allen
King's College London
LA3AMON 2000
(Section: H8)


Reverend P Ballard
University of Wales, Cardiff
The Bible in Pastoral Practice
(Section: H2)


Dr A Barber
University of Sheffield
Epistemology of language
(Section: H12)


Professor G Barber
University of Leeds
Leeds International Schubert Conference
(Section: H11)


Professor K J Barber
University of Birmingham
Social Histories of Reading in Africa
(Section: H3)


Dr A J Barnard
University of Edinburgh
Africa's indigenous peoples: 'first peoples' or 'marginalized minorities'
(Section: H3)


Dr T P Baycroft
University of Sheffield
The burdens of the past
(Section: H10)


Dr H Beebee
University of Manchester
(Section: H12)


Dr B Bell
University of Edinburgh
Material cultures: the book, the text, and the archive
(Section: H6)


Dr R A Bickers
University of Bristol
1900: The Boxers, China, and the World
(Section: H10; H3)


Professor K Blackburn
University of Manchester
Growth and business cycles in theory and practice
(Section: S2)


Dr S H Blackburn
School of Oriental and African Studies
(Section: S3)


Dr M Blackburn
University of Cambridge
The transmission of ideas between Mints in medieval Europe
(Section: H8)


Professor G Blake
University of Durham
Borders, orders and identities of the Muslim world
(Section: S5)


Professor R Blundell
University College London
Econometric Society research meeting
(Section: S2)


Dr A Blunt
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Geographies of Home
(Section: S3)


Mr J C Bonsall
University of Edinburgh
The iron gates in prehistory: new perspectives
(Section: H7)


Professor J Bourke
Birkbeck College
Cultures of Killing
(Section: H10)


Dr H V Bowen
University of Leicester
The worlds of the East India Company 1600 - 1834
(Section: H9)


Professor S M Braund
Royal Holloway
The Classical Association annual conference
(Section: H1)


Dr K Brown
University of Wales, Lampeter
Intersecting Times: The work of memory in South_Eastern Europe
(Section: S3)


Dr M Buckley
University of Edinburgh
Perceptions of war in Kosovo and its aftermath
(Section: S5)


Ms B Burman
University of Southampton
Textile sample books reassessed
(Section: H11)


Dr S Carey
Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Who's who The historiography of classical art in the twentieth century
(Section: H11)


Professor P Carruthers
University of Sheffield
The cognitive basis of science
(Section: H12; S6)


Dr E A Carter
University of Warwick
Popular European Cinema 3: The Spectacular
(Section: H6)


Professor M Carver
University of York
The Age of Conversion in Northern Europe
(Section: H7)


Dr D Charlton
Royal Holloway
Eleventh International Conference on Nineteenth Century Music
(Section: H11)


Dr S Colvin
University of Edinburgh
Myths and mythmaking: women in German studies
(Section: H6)


Dr S R Conway
University College London
The Classics in British History
(Section: H1; H9)


Professor M C Cook
University of Exeter
Re-ecritures, 1700-1820
(Section: H6)


Professor P Cook
University of Southampton
Nights to remember: memory, modernity and the myth of the Titanic
(Section: H6)


Mrs E Cooke
University of Reading
Property 2000
(Section: S1)


Dr V Cox
Christ's College, Cambridge
Ciceronian rhetoric in its medieval and renaissance commentary tradition
(Section: H1; H5)


Mr T J Cribb
Churchill College, Cambridge
The Power of the Word
(Section: H3; H6)


Dr G L E Croenen
University of Liverpool
Patrons, authors and workshops: books and book production in Paris circa 1400
(Section: H8)


Dr A J Dale
King's College London
The evolution of the intelligent mind
(Section: H12; S6)


Dr M Dangerfield
University of Wolverhampton
Sub-regional dimensions of the European Union enlargement process
(Section: S5)


Dr G B Davies
University of Lancaster
McCarthy's Americans: new perspectives on Cold War America
(Section: H10)


Dr T DeNora
University of Exeter
States of the arts - aesthetic media in Europe across the millennia
(Section: H11; S4)


Professor M Diani
University of Strathclyde
Social capital, voluntary organisations, and collective action in the network society
(Section: S4)


Dr J Dunkley
University of Aberdeen
British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
(Section: H9)


Ms H Evans
University of Westminster
Diasporas of the mind, dilemmas of culture, diverging identities: the changing geopolitics of 
contemporary 'Chinese' societies
(Section: H3)


Professor P W Evans
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Bunuel: a centenary conference
(Section: H6)


Dr J Evans
University of Salford
Changes in the contemporary French party system: internal dynamics and external context
(Section: S5)


Dr G J Farrell
City University
From musical exoticism to world music: constructing ends of centuries
(Section: H11)


Ms C Fieschi
Aston University
Ideational institutionalism in the European context
(Section: S5)


Dr E Fisher
University of Wales, Swansea
Sustainable livelihoods: exploring the role of beekeeping in development
(Section: S3)


Dr C Flanagan
University of Bristol
Germany 2000: taking stock
(Section: H6)


Dr P J Ford
University of Cambridge
Congress of the International Association for Neo_Latin Studies
(Section: H5)


Dr C Forsdick
University of Glasgow
Les usages du genre: an international conference
(Section: H6)


Dr V Fouskas
Kingston University
The Balkans: the politics of fragmentation, war and reconstruction
(Section: S5)


Professor R L Fowler
University of Bristol
The Classical Association Conference 2000
(Section: H1)


Dr D Francis
Manchester Metropolitan University
Mind and Society 2000
(Section: H12; S4)


Professor M J Geller
University College London
Nationalism, Zionism and ethnic mobilisation
(Section: H10; H2)


Dr R Gleave
University of Bristol
Religion and society in Qajar Iran
(Section: H2; H3)


Dr P Goodchild
St Martins College
Continental philosophy of religion
(Section: H2)


Dr T R Gourvish
London School of Economics and Political Science
Symposium for Alice Teichova: Business and politics in the 20th century
(Section: S2)


Dr P H Gray
University of Southampton
The memory of catastrophe
(Section: H10)


Dr A Gray
University of Birmingham
Third International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference
(Section: S4)


Dr P Gready
Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
Cultures of political transition: memory, identity and voice
(Section: S5)


Professor F Green
University of Kent at Canterbury
Skills. Measurement and economic analysis
(Section: S2)


Professor K Hanley
University of Lancaster
John Ruskin: The Brantwood Years
(Section: H6)


Dr S M Hart
University College London
Cesar Vallejo in the new millennium
(Section: H6)


Mrs R M Hayward
Other Institution
TICCIH 2000 - The 11th International Congress of the International Committee for the 
Conservation of the Industrial Heritage
(Section: H10; H7)


Dr P L F Heelas
University of Lancaster
Prophets and predictions: religion in the 21st century
(Section: H2)


Professor T Hermans
University College London
Research models in translation studies
(Section: H6)


Professor J E Herrin
King's College London
Personification in the Greek World
(Section: H1)


Dr A Hiatt
Trinity College, Cambridge
Between empires: orientalism before 1600
(Section: H8)


Dr H Hills
University of Manchester
Representing emotions: evidence, arousal, analysis
(Section: H11)


Dr G Hooper
University of Aberdeen
Terms of empire: writing and landscape, 1800 to the present
(Section: H6)


Dr A J Howard
University of Leeds
The alluvial archaeology of north_west Europe and the Mediterranean
(Section: H7)


Professor A Hughes
University of Birmingham
Phototextualities: intersections of photography and narrative
(Section: H11; H6)


Dr S Hutton
Middlesex University
Giordano Bruno: Renaissance Philosopher
(Section: H12)


Dr N Jas
Other Institution
Anthropology & Africa - A cross-colonial investigation
(Section: S3)


Professor R Jeffery
University of Edinburgh
16th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies
(Section: S4)


Professor G H Jenkins
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Wales and the Welsh 2000
(Section: H5)


Dr K Jensen
British Library
Incunabula and their readers
(Section: H5)


Dr H Jones
Institute of Historical Research, University of London
Aspects of gender in contemporary Britain
(Section: H10)


Dr E Jordan
University of Essex
Friendly enemies: Blake and the Enlightenment
(Section: H6)


Mr S Kan
University of Oxford
The teaching of Mandarin to native speakers of English
(Section: H3)


Professor C M Kauffmann FBA
Secular patronage and piety in the Later Middle Ages
(Section: H8)


Professor M Keating
University of Aberdeen
Devolution in the United Kingdom and Spain
(Section: S5)


Professor A J Kennedy
University of Glasgow
IVth International Christine de Pizan Colloquium
(Section: H8)


Dr W Kidd
University of Stirling
Remembering and forgetting: the commemorative century 1900 - 2000
(Section: H6)


Dr M J Knights
University of East Anglia
Literature and power in early modern Europe
(Section: H9)


Dr R Ladrech
University of Keele
Europeanisation and political parties
(Section: S5)


Dr A Lamont
University of Leicester
The effects of music
(Section: H11; S6)


Dr D Large
University of Wales, Swansea
Ecce Opus: Nietzsche revisions in the twentieth century
(Section: H12)


Dr M R Laven
University of Cambridge
Women of the Atlantic World in the age of religious reform and revival
(Section: H9)


Dr A R Linn
University of Sheffield
Standard Germanic
(Section: H4)


Dr C G D Littleton
Birkbeck College
From strangers to citizens: integration of immigrant communities in Great Britain, 
Ireland and the Colonies, 1550-1750
(Section: H9)


Professor Sir G E R Lloyd FBA
University of Cambridge
Tao and Logos: Greece/China workshop
(Section: H1; H3)


Dr V L Lo
School of Oriental and African Studies
Dunhuang 2000: early Chinese medical manuscripts
(Section: H3)


Dr A H B Logan
University of Exeter
'The power and the glory': the legacy of Constantine at the dawn of the third millennium
(Section: H1; H2)


Dr C P Loveluck
Other Institution
Settlement and economy around the North Sea, AD 400_1500 (conference 'strand' within
International Medieval Congress 2000)
(Section: H7)


Dr F MacBride
University of St Andrews
'Being committed' - A three day international conference on metaphysics
(Section: H12)


Professor M K C MacMahon
University of Glasgow
Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP)
(Section: H4)


Professor H MacQueen
University of Edinburgh
Mixed legal systems: patterns of development
(Section: S1)


Dr N J D MacQueen
University of Dundee
The last empire: 25 years of Portuguese decolonisation
(Section: H10)


Dr R J Macrides
University of Birmingham
Travel in the Byzantine world
(Section: H8)


Dr L Marcus
University of Sussex
Literature, film and modernity 1800-1940
(Section: H6)


Professor R Marsh
University of Bath
Annual conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES)
(Section: H6; S4)


Dr S Marten-Finnis
The Queen's University Belfast
Wien-Berlin-Prag Modernity, minorities and migration between the wars
(Section: H10)


Professor C A Martindale
University of Bristol
John Dryden (1631-1700): Poet. Classicist. Translator: A Tercentenary Conferecnce
(Section: H5)


Dr A I McFadyen
University of Leeds
Forgiveness and truth
(Section: H2)


Dr C McKinnon
University of Exeter
The culture of toleration
(Section: H12)


Dr C P Melville
University of Cambridge
BRISMES Conference 2000: writing in the Middle East
(Section: H3)


Dr P Michael
University of Wales, Bangor
Social history of health and medicine in Wales
(Section: H10)


Professor J Michie
Birkbeck College
Supporter involvement in football clubs
(Section: S2)


Dr L M Milne
University of Nottingham
Three centuries of Russian humour and satire
(Section: H6)


Dr L J Moran
Birkbeck College
Law and film
(Section: H6; S1)


Professor R L Morris
University of Edinburgh
Parapsychology, Philosophy and The Mind: A conference in honour of John Beloff's 
80th birthday
(Section: H12)


Professor J A Moss
University of Durham
Female Saints and Sinners: Saintes et Mondaines (France 1450-1650)
(Section: H5; H9)


Dr M Msiska
Birkbeck College
The black glaze: international perspectives on African and African_world literary and 
visual culture
(Section: H6)


Mr A E W Muller
University of Leeds
International Medieval Congress 2000 (c.450_1500)
(Section: H8)


Dr B S Muller
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Censorship: phenomenology, representation, contexts
(Section: H6)


Dr A J Musson
University of Exeter
Expectations of the law in the middle ages
(Section: S1)


Dr M Nuttall
University of Aberdeen
Twelfth Inuit Studies Conference - 'Inuit communities, the northern environment and global processes'
(Section: S3)


Professor R Parker FBA
New College, Oxford
Herodotus and his world
(Section: H1)


Dr D L Parsons
University of Birmingham
Modernist Transactions:European Culture and Arts 1890_1940
(Section: H6)


Professor H Phillips
University of Manchester
Fins et Debuts
(Section: H6)


Dr D W Phillipson
University of Cambridge
Biennial Conference, Society of Africanist Archaeologists
(Section: H7)


Dr G Quilley
University of Leicester
Conflicting visions: the culture of war in Europe c. 1660-1815
(Section: H9)


Dr R Read
University of East Anglia
Philosophy at the millennium
(Section: H12)


Dr J Richards
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Urbane myths: early modern civil and uncivil discourses
(Section: H5)


Dr M P Richards
University of Oxford
Minoans and Mycenaeans, flavours of their time: new evidence of diet and health 
in the Aegean Bronze Age
(Section: H7)


Dr R W Rix
Trinity and All Saints
New Peruvian writing: a symposium
(Section: H6)


Dr Y Rocheron
University of Leicester
Shifting frontiers of France and francophonie
(Section: H6)


Dr B Rollet
University of Portsmouth
European film makers in the 1980s and 1990s
(Section: H6)


Dr L A Roper
Royal Holloway
Motherhood and fatherhood, c. 1500-1850
(Section: H9)


Dr L Rorato
University of Wales, Bangor
Postmodernist discourse and contemporary Italian fiction
(Section: H6)


Dr C Ross
University of Dundee
Regional politics in Russia
(Section: S5)


Mr P L Rossi
University of Lancaster
Benvenuto Cellini: art , patronage and craftsmanship in Medicean Florence
(Section: H11)


Dr I C Rutherford
University of Reading
Seeing the gods. Patterns of pilgrimage in antiquity
(Section: H1)


Professor N D B Saul
University of Liverpool
The role of the Romanies: images and self_images of Romanies/'Gypsies' in European cultures
(Section: S3)


Mr C Scott
London School of Economics and Political Science
Comparative dimensions of regulation inside Government
(Section: S1; S5)


Dr E S Shaffer
Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London
Irish and British fin-de-siecle in Europe: Wilde and Yeates
(Section: H6)


Dr M Shewring
University of Warwick
Kissing Spiders: representing the female body on and off the early modern English stage
(Section: H6)


Dr G P Small
University of Glasgow
Le heros bourguignon: epopee et histoire/The Burgundian hero in literature and historiography
(Section: H8)


Dr J P J Stock
University of Sheffield
British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference: Fieldwork, ethnography, representation
(Section: H11)


Dr M Stokes
University College London
The state of American history
(Section: H10)


Professor P Strohm
St Anne's College, University of Oxford
'The place of Chaucer' (12th Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society)
(Section: H8)


Professor J A Sutherland
University College London
Bulwer Lytton 2000
(Section: H6)


Dr Y Tasker
University of East Anglia
Taking stock: media studies at the millennium
(Section: H6)


Professor E Timms
University of Sussex
Intellectual migration and cultural transformation. The movement of ideas from 
German-speaking Europe to the Anglo-Saxon world
(Section: H10)


Dr A G Tipple
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Housing, work and development: the role of home-based enterprises
(Section: S3)


Dr P Tomlinson
University of Salford
French classical theatre today: teaching, research, performance
(Section: H6)


Dr J R Topham
University of Leeds
Science in the nineteenth century periodical
(Section: H10)


Dr D H Treece
King's College London
Brazil _ representing the nation: alternative voices and identities in the year 2000
(Section: H10)


Dr J Treffers-Daller
University of the West of England
Sociolinguistics Symposium 2000
(Section: H4)


Dr G Tsoulas
University of York
Peripheral positions
(Section: H4)


Mr R C Turner
Other Institution
Estuarine archaeology: the Severn and beyond
(Section: H7)


Dr K Ulmschneider
Worcester College, Oxford
The archaeology of inland markets, fairs and 'productive sites', 7th_9th century
(Section: H7)


Professor T Unwin
Royal Holloway
European Landscapes: From Mountain to Sea
(Section: S3)


Dr S H Vice
University of Sheffield
Millennial animals
(Section: H6)


Professor J Wainwright
University of Salford
Poetry and poetics into the twenty-first century
(Section: H6)


Miss E A Walker
Other Institution
Lithic studies in the year 2000
(Section: H7)


Dr M Walsh
University of Nottingham
'Transporting gender' What difference has gender made to consideration of issues and 
questions in transport history and the history of travel
(Section: H10)


Dr O Walsh
University of Aberdeen
Ireland abroad
(Section: H10)


Dr D Watt
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Virile Women, consuming men: gender and monstrous appetites in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
(Section: H5)


Dr B Weiler
University of Wales, Swansea
England and Europe in the reign of Henry lll (1216-1272)
(Section: H8)


Dr D G E Williams
British Museum
Silver economy in the Viking age
(Section: H8)


Ms D S M Wilson
University College London
Mind and language Millennial Workshop on Pragmatics
(Section: H4)


Dr M J Wintle
University of Hull
Image into identity
(Section: H10; H6)


Professor C W J Withers
University of Edinburgh
Georgian Geographies
(Section: H9; S3)


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