Overseas Conference Grants Awards 1998-99

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 1999-2000.

Dr A Adams 
University of Glasgow
Fifth international conference on emblem studies
(Section: D)


Dr M Aloi 
University of Nottingham
14th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
(Section: M)


Professor R Attfield 
Cardiff University
Biodiversity and Philosophy
(Section: K)


Dr N Avcioglu 
Wolfson College, Oxford
11th international congress of Turkish art
(Section: J)


Dr P I Barta 
University of Surrey
American association for the advancement of Slavic studies
(Section: E)


Dr M Bath 
University of Strathclyde
Fifth international conference on emblem studies
(Section: D)


Dr J Bernardes 
University of Wolverhampton
International prostatitis collaborative network
(Section: O)


Dr M J Braddick 
University of Sheffield
American Society of Legal History 1999 Conference
(Section: H)


Dr D J Britain 
University of Essex
Methods in Dialectology
(Section: C)


Mrs M Brockington 
Independent Researcher
Dubrovnik international conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas
(Section: B)


Dr W S Brooks 
University of Bath
Le parcours europeen du compositeur Henry Desmarest
(Section: J)


Dr J N Butterfield 
University of Oxford
11th international congress of logic methodology and philosophy of science
(Section: K)


Ms E Cameron 
University of Wolverhampton
International prostatitis collaborative network
(Section: O)


Dr J Campbell 
University of Glasgow
Racine et/ou le Classicisme
(Section: D)


Dr J Canaan 
University of Central England in Birmingham
Social exclusion and inclusion: forging a north/south dialogue
(Section: O)


Dr C M Cantwell 
University of Kent at Canterbury
Reflections on ecological ethics and Tibetan earth ritual
(Section: N)


Dr J R Carrette 
University of Stirling
American Academy of Religion annual conference
(Section: B)


Dr D J Cartmell 
De Montfort University
Shakespeare on Screen: The Centenary Conference
(Section: D)


Professor R J Carwardine 
University of Sheffield
American Society of Church History annual meeting
(Section: I)


Dr A Chafer 
University of Portsmouth
African studies association of America annual conference
(Section: I)


Dr D Chambers 
Nottingham Trent University
Social science history association annual conference
(Section: O)


Dr S M Chyriwsky 
University of Durham
9th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating
(Section: F)


Professor D J A Clines 
University of Sheffield
Annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: B)


Dr J N Cohen 
Goldsmiths College
Midwestern modern language association conference
(Section: E)


Dr L P Conde 
University of Wales, Swansea
Modern language association convention
(Section: E)


Professor G Cook 
University of Reading
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
(Section: C)


Dr A R Cooper 
Birkbeck College
Pilgrimage and complexity
(Section: N)


Mr P J Cowley 
University of Hull
American Political Science Association 95th Annual Conference
(Section: P)


Dr P Croft 
Royal Holloway
John Winthrop's Worlds: England and New England 1588-1649
(Section: H)


Dr T Crook 
University of Edinburgh
American anthropological association annual meeeting
(Section: N)


Dr M Cross 
University of Sheffield
Women Seeking Expression: France 1789-1914
(Section: E)


Dr H Dar 
Loughborough University
International Atlantic Economic Society
(Section: M)


Dr K Davidson 
University of Surrey
New perspectives on ageing in the post-genome era
(Section: O)


Professor P J Davies 
De Montfort University
American Political Science Association 95th Annual Conference
(Section: P)


Ms S Davies 
Independent Researcher
7th International Conference of Demotic Studies
(Section: A)


Dr G Dawson 
University of Sheffield
Victorian periodicals annual meeting
(Section: E)


Dr J Dillon 
University of Nottingham
European Medieval Drama
(Section: G)


Dr K J Dodds 
Royal Holloway
International seminar on political landscapes
(Section: N)


Dr S C Downes 
University of Surrey
American conference on romanticism
(Section: J)


Dr R Earle 
University of Warwick
American historical association annual meeting
(Section: I)


Dr G Egan 
De Montfort University
Shakespeare on Screen: The Centenary Conference
(Section: D)


Dr P Ell 
The Queen's University Belfast
Social science history association annual conference
(Section: O)


Mr G Evans 
University of Wales, Swansea
New African perspectives: Africa, Australasia and the wider world at the end of the 20th century
(Section: P)


Dr L Evans 
University of Durham
112th annual meeting of the American Economic Association
(Section: M)


Professor J C Exum 
University of Sheffield
Annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: B)


Dr D Feldman 
Birkbeck College
North American Conference on British Studies
(Section: I)


Dr J Fisher 
London Guildhall University
American Political Science Association 95th Annual Conference
(Section: P)


Dr J Fitzpatrick 
De Montfort University
Millennium Spenser Conference
(Section: D)


Professor D Fuller 
University of Durham
North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
(Section: E)


Dr P Garside 
Kingston University
Regional potentials in an integrating Europe
(Section: N)


Professor P W Gatrell 
University of Manchester
American association for the advancement of Slavic studies
(Section: E)


Professor R Glanville 
Independent Researcher
INVENCAO - Thinking the Next Millennium
(Section: J)


Dr S Godsland 
Royal Holloway
La mujer y la literatura hispanica hacia el ano 2000
(Section: E)


Dr M Gorsky 
University of Wolverhampton
The Healthy Life
(Section: I)


Professor W T Gould 
University of Liverpool
Third African population conference
(Section: N)


Dr A Gow 
University of Glasgow
Annual conference of the American Historical Society
(Section: I)


Professor D Greenaway 
University of Nottingham
The Asian crisis and unemployment
(Section: M)


Dr L Grove 
University of Glasgow
Fifth international conference on emblem studies
(Section: D)


Professor A Harding 
Liverpool John Moores University
American Political Science Association 95th Annual Conference
(Section: P)


Professor P Harris 
University of Oxford
IXth European Conference on Developmental Psychology
(Section: O)


Dr E Heit 
University of Warwick
40th annual meeting of the Psychonomic society
(Section: O)


Dr R F Hendry 
University of Durham
11th international congress of logic methodology and philosophy of science
(Section: K)


Professor P Hennock 
University of Liverpool
The Healthy Life
(Section: I)


Dr D J Holloway 
University of Derby
The Cormac McCarthy society
(Section: E)


Dr J Homan 
University of Birmingham
Australian Disaster Conference
(Section: N)


Professor A Horner 
University of Salford
Gothic spirits, Gothic flesh
(Section: E)


Dr D Hughes 
School of Oriental and African Studies
Society for ethnomusicology annual conference
(Section: J)


Dr S J Humphrey 
University of Nottingham
The Asian crisis and unemployment
(Section: M)


Mr M J Jones 
Other Institution
14th International Conference of Christian Archaeology
(Section: F)


Dr M King 
London Guildhall University
INVENCAO - Thinking the Next Millennium
(Section: J)


Dr E U Kratz 
School of Oriental and African Studies
Ruptures and departures: language and culture in south east Asia
(Section: B)


Dr J M Labbe 
University of Warwick
Millennial crossroads: navigating the future of our past
(Section: E)


Dr K Larres 
The Queen's University Belfast
German Studies Association Annual Conference
(Section: I)


Professor E Larrissy 
University of Leeds
North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
(Section: E)


Dr L Lasselle 
University of St Andrews
14th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
(Section: M)


Dr J Leach 
University of Cambridge
American anthropological association annual meeting
(Section: N)


Dr T S Lee 
University of Durham
35th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference
(Section: J)


Dr S Linkogle 
University of Sussex
Social exclusion and inclusion: forging a north/south dialogue
(Section: O)


Professor B G M Main 
University of Edinburgh
14th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
(Section: M)


Dr R B Mallett 
University of Leeds
14th Naval History Symposium
(Section: I)


Professor P Mandler 
London Guildhall University
North American Conference on British Studies
(Section: I)


Dr D Mareschal 
Birkbeck College
21st Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
(Section: O)


Professor R J Marsh 
University of Bath
American association for the advancement of Slavic studies
(Section: E)


Professor P J Marshall 
Institute of Historical Research, University of London
19th International Oslo Congress
(Section: I)


Dr R McMaster 
University of Aberdeen
Integration and inequality: challenges for institutional economics
(Section: M)


Professor U Meinhof 
University of Bradford
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
(Section: C)


Ms V Midgelow 
Other Institution
Choreographic Politics: Theatrical Representations of the Body
(Section: E)


Dr J S Moody 
University of York
North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
(Section: E)


Ms S R Moody 
University of Dundee
28th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Non-profit Organisations and Voluntary Action
(Section: L)


Dr E Moore 
School of Oriental and African Studies
Myanmar two millennia conference
(Section: F)


Dr L B Myers 
University College London
The 13th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society
(Section: O)



Dr R Negrine 
University of Leicester
Political Communication Research for the Third Millennium
(Section: P)


Dr S P Newman 
University of Glasgow
Annual conference of the American Historical Society
(Section: I)


Mr K O'Brien 
King's College London
New African perspectives: Africa, Australasia and the wider world at the end of the 20th century
(Section: P)


Dr P P O'Brien 
University of Glasgow
Annual conference of the American Historical Society
(Section: I)


Professor M O'Neill 
University of Durham
North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
(Section: E)


Dr G R Owen-Crocker 
University of Manchester
Imagined endings: borders, reigns, millennia
(Section: G)


Dr D C Parker 
University of Birmingham
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
(Section: B)


Professor D J Parkin FBA
University of Oxford
International Symposium on the Nativisation of Anthropology
(Section: N)


Ms A C D Petch 
University of Oxford
Centenary of the publication of Spencer and Gillen'sThe Native Tribes of Central Australia
(Section: N)


Dr M Power 
University of Leeds
New African perspectives: Africa, Australasia and the wider world at the end of the 20th century
(Section: N)


Dr J E Preece 
University of Kent at Canterbury
Kafka on the Threshold: Contributing to the Cambridge Companion
(Section: E)


Dr S P J Rawles 
University of Glasgow
Fifth international conference on emblem studies
(Section: D)


Dr C Reader 
University of Durham
Quotidian ethics
(Section: K)


Dr A D E Reed 
University of Cambridge
Anthropology and documentation: treating text as artefact
(Section: N)


Professor J Renwick 
University of Edinburgh
Marmontel: bilans et perspectives de recherche
(Section: E)


Professor G D Richards 
Staffordshire University
American Psychological Association Annual Convention
(Section: O)


Dr A Richardson 
University of Exeter
Victoria redressed: feminism and nineteenth century studies
(Section: E)


Dr K P Richardson 
University of Liverpool
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
(Section: C)


Dr I Rivers 
College of Ripon and York St John
American Psychological Association National Convention
(Section: O)


Dr A Rowlands 
University of Essex
Old age in pre-industrial western society
(Section: H)


Dr I C Rutherford 
University of Reading
American philological association and American Institute of Archaeology joint meeting
(Section: A)


Dr G Rye 
University of Surrey Roehampton
Pacific ancient and modern language association conference
(Section: E)


Dr C G Salfati 
University of Liverpool
American society of criminology annual meeting
(Section: O)


Dr D T Sanders 
London School of Economics and Political Science
American anthropological association annual meeeting
(Section: N)


Professor A M Saunders 
University of Aberdeen
Fifth international conference on emblem studies
(Section: D)


Professor C F Seale 
Goldsmiths College
15th International Conference on Social Science and Medicine
(Section: O)


Ms M Simoni 
University College London
Association for Jewish Studies 1999 conference
(Section: I)


Dr S M Skevington 
University of Bath
International society for quality of life research
(Section: O)


Dr A Smith 
University of Glamorgan
Gothic spirits, Gothic flesh
(Section: E)


Professor H S Smith FBA
7th International Conference of Demotic Studies
(Section: A)


Dr A Sorace 
University of Edinburgh
24th Boston University conference on Language Development
(Section: C)


Mr M R Sorrell 
University of Exeter
American translators association's 40th annual conference
(Section: E)


Dr J Spencer 
University of Exeter
Millennial crossroads: navigating the future of our past
(Section: E)


Dr L Stras 
University of Southampton
Annual meeting of the American musicological society
(Section: J)


Dr G D Tate 
University of Bath
Bestandsaufnahme - Deutsch Literatur nach der Verinigung
(Section: E)


Ms R A M Temple 
University of York
XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
(Section: C)


Dr M Thomas 
Other Institution
24th Boston University conference on Language Development
(Section: O)


Mr D J B Trim 
Other Institution
North American Conference on British Studies
(Section: I)


Dr C S Upton 
University of Leeds
Methods in Dialectology
(Section: C)


Dr R Upward 
University of Nottingham
The Asian crisis and unemployment
(Section: M)


Dr J Vernon 
University of Manchester
North American Conference on British Studies
(Section: I)


Dr M Vickers 
University of Oxford
9th International Symposium on the Ancient History and Archaeology of the Black Sea
(Section: A)


Dr G vom Bruck 
London School of Economics and Political Science
The Twelver Shia in Modern Times (18th to 20th centuries)
(Section: N)


Dr K Wakelin 
University of Nottingham
The Asian crisis and unemployment
(Section: M)


Professor C Walker 
University of Leeds
International Association of Forensic Sciences, 15th Triennial Meeting
(Section: L)


Dr C W Watson 
University of Kent at Canterbury
International seminar on comparative literature
(Section: E)


Mr B A Wheeler 
University of Birmingham
Responsible tourism in a European context
(Section: N)


Dr D R Widdess 
School of Oriental and African Studies
Society for ethnomusicology annual conference
(Section: J)


Professor J D A Widdowson 
University of Sheffield
Methods in Dialectology
(Section: C)


Professor G Williams 
University of Manchester
Regional potentials in an integrating Europe
(Section: N)


Dr R Willis 
University of Edinburgh
American anthropological association annual meeting
(Section: N)


Dr A H Wright 
Sheffield Hallam University
Gothic spirits, Gothic flesh
(Section: E)


Dr D J Wring 
Loughborough University
American Political Science Association 95th Annual Conference
(Section: P)


Dr S Zlosnik 
Liverpool Hope University
Gothic spirits, Gothic flesh
(Section: E)


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