British Academy Review, Issue 11, July 2008

07 Apr 2016
Number of pages

The twice-yearly British Academy Review contains articles illustrating the wide range of scholarship which the British Academy promotes in its role as the UK’s academy for the humanities and social sciences.

You may download the whole issue, or click on the links below for individual articles.

The ‘Credit Crunch’ and Trust
Geoffrey Hosking

‘Levelled by booksellers’: Sir Walter Scott, Robert Cadell, and the Economic Crash of 1825-1826
Ross Alloway

The Effect of Taxes and Bans on Passive Smoking
Jérôme Adda and Francesca Cornaglia

Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East and Africa
Dawn Chatty

Toleration, Past and Present
Jon Parkin and Tim Stanton

Why Humans aren’t just Great Apes
Robin Dunbar

Autism and the Imaginative Mind
Ilona Roth

Anthropology is not ethnography
Tim Ingold

Palace or Powerstation? Museums Today
Duncan Robinson

Music for a late Anglo-Saxon Benedictine Abbey: The Winchester Troper
Susan Rankin

The Oxford Francis Bacon, and the Materiality of Texts
Graham Rees

Biographical Memoirs of British Academy Fellows
Peter Marshall

Ben Pimlott
Peter Hennessy

Constitutional Renewal
Andrew Blick

Clearing a Path through the Copyright Jungle
John Kay

In brief

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