European Union and Disunion

This project aims to explore and publicise some of the drawn-out narratives and sentiments that at different times have aided or compromised the imagining and workings of Europe.
Project status
Europe's Futures

This is a time of charged sentiments towards Europe. These sentiments draw on tact and enduring assumptions of community and belonging that are poorly understood, yet pivotal in shaping public opinion. The assumptions are the spring-well of equally charged, though perhaps different, sentiments of Europe. Their nature, legacies and political purchase need to be made more explicit if we are to respectfully and diplomatically negotiate these varied effects. Narratives of exclusion and contestations to the European project have been particularly forceful in the Mediterranean countries. In the Southern EU Member States, austerity measures, migration as well as the effects of globalisation have contributed to the polarisation of ideas and to feeding populist narratives. This project engages with and unpacks some of the constitutive stories of identity and meaning that in the past and present have helped to bring together but also divide Europeans.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 020 7969 5343

Project outcomes

European Union and Disunion: Reflections on European Identity

The British Academy

A collection of essays exploring past and present narratives of European identity and belonging.

A Mediterranean Perspective on European Union and Disunion

The British Academy

A collection of essays which consider fractures of belonging in Europe and ways of mending them by examining the history of the Mediterranean as a meeting ground and crossing point between cultures.

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