Live Debate: Keep it in the ground

Tue 26 May 2015, 19:00 - 20:30

Kings Place, London, N1 9AG

If we want to avoid dangerous levels of global warming, then at least two-thirds of proven fossil fuel reserves need to be left in the ground. Removing capital invested in fossil fuel companies is one way of working towards this - but is it an effective method?

This event was organised in partnership with the Guardian and the Doen Foundation, to discuss the Guardian's disinvestment campaign and debate what it means for the business and investor community.


Lisa Ashford, CEO of Ethex 

David Blood, Co-founder of Generation Investment Management

Meryam Omi, Head of Sustainability at Legal & General Investment Management 

Lord Nicholas Stern of Brentford,President of the British Academy, Chair of the Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

Dale Vince, Founder of Ecotricity  

Chaired by Alan Rusbridger, editor-in chief, the Guardian

Image: © Guardian Membership

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