A just transition away from coal in Australia

Project status

Is a just transition from coal possible in Australia? As the climate emergency worsens and as heads of state prepare for COP26 in Glasgow, Australia’s domestic electricity remains coal-dependent and Australia remains the world’s largest coal exporter. Australia’s ability to achieve a just transition will have significant implications for broader efforts to decarbonise in both Asia-Pacific and the world, both directly through the coal supply chains it enables and indirectly through Australia’s regional diplomacy and development aid. Through a rapid evidence review building on existing work and new interviews and focus groups in Canberra, NSW and Queensland with key actors from Government, industry and civil society, this project will examine how a ‘just transition’ is being defined in Australia, will explore the key challenges to achieving it, and set out a new broader approach to just transition which will help shape global efforts to justly achieve the climate action that is urgently needed.

Dr Gareth Edwards, University of East Anglia; Dr Robert McNeil, University of Sydney; Professor Susan Park, University of Sydney

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