Dr Ross Hendy

UK Host Institution: University of Exeter
Project status


Lethal and Near-Lethal Uses of Force: Building on the Global Lethal Force Monitor

This fellowship aims to add empirical data from Australia and New Zealand to expand the Global Lethal Force Monitor and to investigate the broader utility of expanding the monitor to include near-lethal uses of police force.

Outputs and media

'Myths of non-routinely armed policing'

Conference presentation at the European Society of Criminology - September 2023

'Myths of non-routinely armed policing'

Presentation at the Policing and Society Conference, Akureyi, Iceland - October, 2023

'Global Lethal Force Monitor and Police Officer-Involved Shootings'

Conference presentation at the Global Lethal Force Monitor and Police Officer-Involved Shootings, San Francisco - November 2023

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