Planetary Health and Relational Wellbeing: Investigating the Ecological and Health Dimensions of Adivasi Lifeworlds in India

This interdisciplinary project integrates environmental history and political sociology to push the frontiers of knowledge on planetary health, which is a philosophy of wellbeing that highlights the interconnection between human health and environmental change as the basis for achieving sustainable development goals.
Project status

The project pairs historic, ethnographic and indigenous research methods to investigate how ecological, health and livelihood dimensions interlink in the experiences of resilience and resistance of adivasi (original inhabitants) communities in Jharkhand and Kerala.

Comparing two politically and spatially different contexts of adivasi resistance, the project will generate pathbreaking evidence by:

  1. Documenting local adivasi histories of environmental change, collective action and resilience
  2. Generating new evidence on wellbeing trajectories through a wellbeing survey and life history interviews
  3. Catalysing innovations built on evidence and enhanced participation of adivasis, civil society and global indigenous networks to inject new ethics and concepts to the philosophy of planetary health.

Principal Investigator: Dr Ipshita Basu, University of Westminster

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