Early-Career Researcher Development in Africa, South Asia and Latin America

Professor Ambreena Manji, University of Cardiff; Ghana, Kenya, India and Brazil
Project status

These workshops will bring together journal editors, early-career scholars and more experienced peers to work in intensive reviewing sessions, with the aim of supporting authors to produce papers that will be ready, or near-ready, for publication. The workshops are designed to meet a real and expressed need. Early career scholars working in law schools in the Global South have for many years been articulating their frustration at the lack of opportunities they face in getting their work into publication in internationally recognised journals. In addition, journal editors and boards have, for their part, expressed a willingness to encourage such submissions but also frustration about the standard of papers being received. Law journals in the UK have struggled to increase the representation of Global South-based authors in their publications. Through these workshops, journal editors will work closely with Global South researchers to gain valuable insights into how best to provide constructive, detailed feedback on submissions from scholars based in the Global South and to encourage them to work collaboratively with early-career colleagues elsewhere to revise and re-work papers.

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