Creative Heritage and Imagined Futures: Young People, Past Conflicts and a Shared Future for Uganda

What role can young people in Uganda play in shaping a more peaceful future?
Project status
Youth Futures

This project aims to empower young people (aged 14-16) in Uganda to critically engage with their past, particularly in relation to conflict, reflect on its legacies in their everyday lives, and identify ways in which a more positive, peaceful future can be shared. The research team is looking to organise the project around the use and development of a multimodal, mobile heritage exhibition, that will seek to empower young people to contest and disrupt narratives of conflict that are dominated by the voices of adults and elites. Young people will be provided with a high-profile platform to identify how legacies of conflict can be resolved and how a more socially just future can be built. Youth-led events, displays, articles and digital archives will ensure that the project, and the young people involved in it, will have enduring national and international impact.

Research team: Dr Kate Moles, Cardiff University; Dr William Baker, University of Bristol; Professor Catriona Louise Pennell, University of Exeter; Dr Dawn Mannay, Cardiff University; Professor Jennifer Rowsell, University of Bristol; Dr Daniel Komakech, Gulu University, Uganda

Outputs and Media

'The Cultural Politics of Conflict'

Presentation at 20 years of Conflict Research Group Conference - Ghent University, 23rd and 24th May 2022

'Memories of the past, Imaginations of the Future: Young people and their Future in post-Conflict Northern Uganda'

Presentation at VIº Conference of Association of Critical Heritage Studies - Santiago, Chile, 4-7th December 2022

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