Professor Trevor Dadson FBA

The literature and the socio-economic, cultural and political history of 16th and 17th-century Spain; contemporary Spanish poetry; literary criticism, textual bibliography; the Moriscos

Elected 2008

Fellow type
UK Fellow
Year of birth
Year of death
Year elected

Trevor Dadson joined Queen Mary University of London as Professor of Hispanic Studies in 2004. His previous positions included Professor of Spanish at the Queen's University Belfast and then at the University of Birmingham. His research mainly focused on the the history (cultural and socio-economic) and literature of the 16th and 17th centuries. He published on a wide range of topics, including book ownership, textual editing and criticism, the Moriscos of Villarrubia and, more generally, of the Campo de Calatrava, biographies of the poets Diego de Silva y Mendoza, Count of Salinas, and Gabriel Bocángel and critical editions of their works; a biography of the Princess of Eboli, the letters of the Count of Salinas and of the Princess of Eboli, and an edition of Salinas's unknown poetry. In 2008 the town council of Villarrubia de los Ojos named a street after him, and in 2015 King Philip VI of Spain awarded him the title of 'Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic' for his services to Spanish culture.

Past appointments

Asociacion Internacional de Hispanistas Vice-President

2004 - 2007

Queen Mary University of London Professor of Hispanic Studies

2004 -

Queen Mary University of London Professor of Hispanic Studies

2004 -

Asociacion Internacional Siglo de Oro President

1999 - 2002

Queen's University Belfast Queen's University, Belfast

1978 - 1990


Epistolario e historia documental de Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda, princesa de Eboli 2013

Historia de la impresion de las Rimas de Lupercio y Bartolome Leonardo de Argensola 2010

La Espana del siglo XIX vista por dos inglesas: Lady Holland y la novelista George Eliot 2012

Diego de Silva y Mendoza. Poeta y politico en la corte de Felipe III 2011

Diego de Silva y Mendoza, Conde de Salinas. Obra completa. I. Poesía desconocida. 2016

La princesa de Éboli: Cautiva del rey. Vida de Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda (1540-1592) 2015

Tolerance and Coexistence in Early Modern Spain. Old Christians and Moriscos in the Campo de Calatrava 2014

Diego de Silva y Mendoza, conde de Salinas. Cartas y memoriales (1584-1630) 2015

Libros, lectores y lecturas: Estudios sobre bibliotecas particulares espanolas del Siglo de Oro 1998

Gabriel Bocangel y Unzueta, Obras completas. 2 vols 2001

Los moriscos de Villarrubia de los Ojos (siglos XV-XVIII). Historia de una minoria asimilada, expulsada y reintegrada 2007

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